Therapeutic Hypnosis
It is not the event that is important but the way we live it

What Is Hypnosis?
It is to be brought into a modified state of consciousness, between sleep and wakefulness, in this space where the Alpha waves of the brain undulate from the conscious to the unconscious.
It's not magic, it can be measured and explained scientifically.
It is a very powerful tool for personal transformation that allows us to send messages and change what has been inscribed in our unconscious, in our large library.
It's like going to find forgotten or neglected books in your own library to eliminate and put others in their place.
In which areas of health is hypnosis effective?
The range is wide !!! It ranges from personal growth, building confidence, image, self-esteem, stress and anxiety, burnout, depression, insomnia, weight management, addictions, phobias, pain management, psychosomatics, birth preparation and even improving your sexuality to the immune system and everything that comes with it.
Hypnosis is also very effective for children from 5 years old for all problems of attention deficit, management of emotions, enuresis, tinnitus, learning problems etc ...
It is by expressing oneself that one ends up understanding oneself
The Type Of Hypnosis
It is a therapeutic approach above all, and this is what differs from any other type of hypnosis. It is a question of targeting your needs and your problem, to establish with you the steps that will allow you to achieve your goals of mental well-being and therefore physical as well.
The first meeting is entirely devoted to who you are, to what has built you, and especially the way you have lived and how you live all the events of your life.
In this way, you will be able to determine your needs yourself, understand how you work, and together we can set goals to calm your daily life.
Hypnosis alone is not a therapy, it is a tool that allows you to approach your unconscious, the work itself is you who do it and I accompany you before, during and after.

Understanding oneself means better looking at oneself and respecting oneself

My Qualifications
I have a training of more than 1200 hours with the Professional School of Therapeutic and Medical Hypnosis of Canada, a recognized and accredited school of significance.
I have been in the holistic field of physical and mental health for 20 years through yoga and its therapeutic aspects.
I am specialized in trauma-informed teaching, and am passionate about the nervous system and its various functions in relation to post-traumatic syndromes.
I issue receipts for insurance.
**Bill 21 According to this law, a hypnosis practitioner cannot claim to cure or treat a problem. This is the domain of health professionals such as doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists. Hypnotherapists participate in the appeasement of their clients. Therapeutic and medical hypnosis services are in no way intended to replace the services of health professionals such as doctors, psychologists or psychotherapists. Note that in certain cases, medical references may be required before beginning support in order to ensure compliance with the spirit of Law 21 and the safety aspect of the process undertaken.